Goulburn Hockey Association

Goulburn Hockey Association


Goulburn Hockey has its foundations as far back as 1907.
Hockey was taken up seriously in Goulburn in 1909 when W Harman,
a New Zealander, attached to the Kenmore Hospital, organised the
sport for the recreation of the staff. In the following season interest
extended and the Goulburn team played Kenmore. That team called
itself the “All Blacks” and arrived on the field with their faces blackened
and wearing skull and cross-bones on their shirts. The “Ladies Mulwaree
Club” was formed in 1908. Hockey has played a large part in Goulburn’s
sporting history producing 6 of the 11 Olympians, 33 Australian
Representatives and numerous State Representatives. Goulburn Hockey
has also contributed largely to the Goulburn Sporting “Hall of Fame”
with 27 of the 68 inductees coming from our sport.

Today, Goulburn Hockey Association has 9 Clubs comprising of 50
teams with approximately 550 players from Goulburn and surrounding
districts playing hockey. With the addition of training, meetings, carnivals
and spectators over 1200 people visit the Hockey Complex each week.
We offer girls and boys aged from 3 years (Minkey) up to 17 years, as well as
Senior Men, Women and Masters the opportunity to play hockey as part of
a healthy life style. The Hockey Complex has 2 all weather pitches, 1 sand
and 1 hybrid based artificial turf playing surface and is flood lit after dusk.

Community organization